Ep.04 – Lifestyle Tips for Productivity

Dr James McIlroy shares some tips and tricks that keep him consistently productive throughout the day. Stacking up small wins, like pre-booking dentist appointments and haircuts months in advance to reduce stress. Investing in pill boxes for supplements and dried greens for on-the-go. With daily exercise, and the benefits this has on concentration and health that this naturally brings.

Tune in to episode 4 of Biome Bites

Why does productivity matter? Well, it’s the difference between staying still and stagnating in your life, job, field of interest, or relationships. And getting to where you really want to be, who you really want to be. Creating the life that you want to live, through stacking up the little wins.

Being more productive doesn’t mean working yourself to the bone. It doesn’t mean not having any life outside of work. What it does mean, however, is being disciplined with your routines and schedules, that you have created for yourself with the best possible target in mind. Little things, like going for a 5-minute walk every day, over time become thousands of steps a week. Putting together your supplement regime at the beginning of the week, overtime becomes a secure investment in yourself and your health.

At the end of the day, that’s all we should want from productivity. The power of investing in yourself, in longevity, and getting things done early enough that you reduce the amount of stress in your life.

00:00:00 Introduction and welcome

00:00:21 - Batch Booking and Scheduling

00:01:53 - Buying the Essentials in Bulk

00:02:50 - Systems for Supplements

00:04:04 - Investing in a Pill Pack

00:05:00 - Sachets of Dried Greens

00:05:49 - Exercising Everday

00:08:08 - Episode Recap and Outro

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Ep.05 – Practical Tips for Improving Your Gut Biome


Ep.03 – What is the microbiome?