Ep.15 – Dominic Falcão

Dominic Falcao on the Inside Matters Podcast

In episode 15 we talk to Dominic Falcão, an expert in company creation and venture building.

In this week’s episode, James has a lively discussion with Dominic Falcão about science, new technologies, starting and securing funding for tech companies and their personal philosophies and outlooks when it comes to development.

Dominic is a co-founder of Deep Science Ventures (DSV), a company that focuses on four key outcomes: restorative cultivation, scaling intelligence, reversing global heating and curative therapeutics.

He previously led Imperial College London’s science startup programme: worked with over 200 student companies, and supported a fraction of these to raise over £25m in funding within 3 years.

Dom admits to being obsessed with building new companies to solve the climate crisis, from carbon-neutral fuels and negative emissions technologies to market-side interventions to funnel more finance profitably into climate solutions. Via DSV, he is also championing the diversity of background and vocation of focus in STEM education, starting with a global, diversity-led venture-focused science PhD programme.


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